November 2009 Archives

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If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Twelfth Night Act 1, scene 1, 1-3

Documentary on Via Stellae

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The Scallop shell is the symbol of several Way...

The year 2010 is a so-called jubilee year of St. James, Año Santo Jacobeo. Due to this especial occasion, a lot of exiting cultural activities will take place along the various European pilgrim roads to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

It is, by the way, jubilee year of St. James, every time July 25th falls on a Sunday, and that happens following a strict sequence of years, namely the sequence 6-5-6-11. Mathematically speaking that gives us a total number of 14 jubilee years within a century. Next year will be the second jubilee year in this century - for the following jubilee year we'll have to wait until 2021.

The jubilee year of St James in 2010 coincides with the 3rd part of the Via Artis Konsort concert series Via Stellae which, apart from a number of concerts in the Nordic countries, is going to take place on selected sites along the pilgrim route, like Vezélay, France and Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Via Artis Konsort, with the support from laNiche, the label PARLA son and other co-operating Spanish institutions, has therefore decided to take part in the production of a road movie, a documentary film, which is going to follow the ensemble during the preparations and the concerts along the pilgrim route. The documentary will be an interesting blend of interviews with the organizers, the audience, pilgrims and other persons involved in the pilgrim wave, and of course the filming of the concerts.
The documentary will be ready, according to the plan, in the beginning of 2011.
For more information, please follow the Via Artis Konsort blog


Dokumentar om Via Stellae

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Ny dokumentarfilm
År 2010 er et såkaldt Jakobsår Año Santo Jacobeo og der bliver i den anledning en masse kulturelle aktiviteter langs de europæiske pilgrimsveje til Santiago de Compostela i Spanien.
Det er i øvrigt Jakobsår når Sankt Jakobs Dag, den 25.juli, falder på en søndag, og det sker efter en fast rækkefølge, nemlig efter henholdsvis hvert 6., 5., 6. og 11. år. Det giver mulighed for i alt 14 jakobsår i hvert århundrede. Næste år er andet jakobsår i dette århundrede - næste gang igen bliver først i 2021.

Jakobsåret i 2010 falder sammen med 3. del af Via Artis Konsort' koncertrække Stjernevejen der, udover en række koncerter i de nordiske lande, skal finde sted på udvalgte steder langs pilgrimsruten, blandt andet i Vezélay, Frankrig og Santiago de Compostela, Spanien

Via Artis Konsort, med støtte fra laNiche, PARLA son og andre samarbejdende spanske institutioner, har derfor besluttet at producere en såkaldt road movie - en dokumentar film, der skal følge ensemblet under forberedelserne til koncerterne langs pilgrimsruten, tale med arrangørerne, publikum, pilgrimme og andre involverede i pilgrimsbølgen, og selvfølgelig dokumentere koncerterne. Filmen skal efter planen være klar til begyndelsen af 2011.

For mere information, følg med på Via Artis Konsort webside:
